Visit Poikilo
Opening hours for the museums, shop and galleries:
Tue–Fri 11 am–6 pm
Sat–Sun 12 noon–5 pm
Closed on Mondays
Exceptions in 2025
May Day’s Eve, 30 April: open 11 am – 4 pm
The day before Midsummer’s Eve, 19 June: open 11 am – 4 pm
New Year´s Eve 31 December: open 11 am – 4 pm
New Year 1 January
Easter, 18 – 21 April
May Day, 1 May
Ascension Day, 29 May
Midsummer, 20–22 June
Finnish Independence Day, 6 December
Christmas, 23–26 December
Enquiries and guided tour reservations:
Tel. +358 20 615 5297 and +358 20 615 8486
Admission fees
Adults 11 euro.
Students, retirees, conscripts and unemployed 8 euro. Free entry for under 18-year-olds.
Access to Poikilo Gallery is free of charge. Free entry to Art Museum and City Museum
on Fridays 4–6 pm. Group tours 75 euro. Group tours outside the
museum’s opening hours 95 euro.
The Museum Card also provides admission to Poikilo Museums.
The Museum Card is a cultural traveller’s discount card for over 300
museums in Finland. The price of the Museum Card is 86 euro. The
card is valid for one year from the first museum visit. You can purchase the Museum Card or extend it at the Museum Shop.

Updated 7.1.2025